**We are CLOSED on Thursday November 28th AND Friday November 29th for the holiday.** If your program overlaps with these dates, you will not have camp on those dates. You will receive an email with more information about how the closure affects your program the week before. If you have any questions about how the holiday affects your program, please call or email our office as soon as you're able. Thanks!

What Is Boot Camp?

Give Your Dog’s Training a Head Start!

In today's busy world, having a professional laying the foundation for your dog's training gives you a distinct advantage over those who must find the time to do this themselves. Our team can provide professional skill, knowledge, patience, and the most important part: repetition.

What's Different with Our Program:

1: You don't have to send your dog away.

Our program is a Monday - Friday "work day" program. You get to pick up your dog at the end of each day to head home, practice what they've learned, and settle in for the evening with your best friend by your side.

2: Convenient city locations

We offer Boot Camp at our South Minneapolis, NE Minneapolis, St. Louis Park, and West St. Paul facilities.

We do not currently offer boot camp at our St. Paul location.

3: Work with your dog's trainer during the program

As your dog progresses through the program, your dog’s trainer will meet with you twice per week to practice the skills that your dog has learned.. These checkouts usually take place on Monday and Fridays, between 3pm and 6pm.

Sign-up for checkout sessions is done during drop off the morning of every checkout day. Please be aware that these sessions are first come, first serve.  During these 20 minute lessons, your trainer will show you what your dog has learned, and then watch and provide feedback as you practice these skills yourself. Due to Covid-19, these meetings can be virtual instead of in person - just let us know if that's your preference

You can then continue to practice with your dog at home to ensure a strong transition of your dog’s new skills. Please note that attendance at these lessons will affect your dog’s success in the program. Your trainer will also send you homework via email.

4: We send a trainer to your home at the end of the program

In-home training sessions are included with our Basic Obedience and Advanced Recall programs. During these in-home sessions, we will send one of our in-home training specialists to your home. They will show you how to utilize the training that your dog received at Boot Camp in your home environment.

Each in-home session is about 1 hour long. We have trainers available for you Monday - Friday afternoons. Please note, due to Covid-19, these meetings can be virtual instead of in person - just let us know if that's your preference.

Training Environment:

Boot Camp takes place in one of our spacious indoor training facilities where we can structure separate areas for one-on-one training, off-leash play, and crated nap time. Your dog will spend multiple sessions in each area throughout the day, including time in their crate. Crate time gives the dogs time to rest between activities, as well as ensuring that the trainer is able to focus on each dog individually during their training sessions. Crate time is mandatory for all boot camp programs. If your dog is unable to crate comfortably, in home training or group classes may be a better fit.

Walking training in the Basic Obedience Program will be done outdoors in the immediate neighborhood of the training facility, where we will expose them to as much normal neighborhood activity as we are able.

Exercise and Socialization:

While the main focus of our programs is obedience work, not play time,  we do give social dogs the opportunity to play with dog friends throughout their day. For dogs who are not social with other dogs, or do not have a friend match in the program, they will receive additional playtimes with staff members during their day.

Holiday Closures

Please make sure to plan for our Holiday Closures if your program overlaps with major holidays! Details can be found in our "Days, Times, & Location" section.

Programs & Registration

We currently offer 4 Year Round and 2 Seasonal Boot Camp Programs. This is a short summary of each, with more details and sign up links for all programs below.

  • Puppy Start Up Program - for pups under 5 months old - Open for Enrollment

  • Basic Obedience Program - for dogs over 5 months old - Open for Enrollment

  • Leash Walking Basic or Advanced - for dogs over 6 months - Open for Enrollment until end of October

  • I'm So Excited: Impulse Control Program - for Graduates of the Basic Program or Level 1 Obedience - Open for Enrollment until end of October

  • Advanced Off-Leash Recall - Seasonal to Spring & Summer - Open for Enrollment until end of October

  • Holiday Manners Program - Seasonal to Fall & Early Winter - Open for Enrollment until end of December

Scroll down to learn more about each program and sign up!

Puppy Start-Up Program

2 Week Boot Camp - $925

Have a new puppy under 5 months?  Help jump start their training with our 2 Week Puppy Start-up Program.  Our Coaches will introduce and lay the foundation for commands they will need throughout their life (see below). Additionally, your puppy will get important human and dog socialization multiple times a day during the 2 week program.  Puppies MUST be under 5 months old at the start of the program. We recommend that your puppy spends at least one week in your home before the start of their program. This allows them to acclimate to your home and bond with you as their new owner(s) before beginning their training.  

  • Name - learning name recognition

  • Sit & Down - basic obedience

  • Drop It - release various items in their possession

  • Walking Foundation - for leashed walks

  • Wait & Impulse Control - waiting to be released from crate, at doors

  • Come - Indoor Recall - with some distractions in our indoor facility

  • Kenneling - helping pups learn to relax and enjoy their kennel, a valuable life skill!

An In-Home training session can be added for a discounted rate of $124, if desired. Contact to purchase and schedule this session.

To sign up for the Puppy Start-Up Program for all locations please click here.

Puppies must be under 5 months old at start of program.

Basic Obedience Program

4 Week Boot Camp, 2 In-Home Personal Training Sessions - $1849

In our 4 week Basic Obedience Program, we will teach your dog 12 reliable behaviors. Reliable means your dog responds to the command despite  distractions.Your dog may already know their name, but will they respond to it when they are distracted? This program is for dogs over 5 months old. Behaviors taught:

  • Name - reliably turn head toward handler

  • Sit - a reliable sit even when distracted

  • Down - a reliable down even when distracted

  • Stay - a reliable stay even when distracted

  • Walk - at your side for leashed walks

  • Boundary training - An invisible boundary to prevent your dog from invading a space until invited

  • Wait - to be released from crate, at doors

  • Come - Indoor Recall - Coming to you when called from around the house

  • Go to your bed/mat - Dog goes a short distance to their raised bed, lies down, and waits to be released

  • Leave it - do not touch item dog is showing interest in

  • Drop it - release items out of your dog's mouth

  • Watch me - used to proactively look at you while a distraction occurs or goes by.

Two in-home follow-up training sessions are part of this program. During these in-home training sessions, a member of our in-home training team will show you how to utilize your dog's training to get the behavior you want in your home environment. The sessions are yours to schedule, but we encourage you to schedule your first session as soon as possible after your program ends to make the most out of your dog's training.

You will receive information on how to schedule these sessions in your Welcome Email for Boot Camp. We recommend that you fill out the scheduling form before your dog's start date to make sure you get your first appointment scheduled the week after your program ends. Appointment times are available Monday through Friday at 1, 2, 3 or 3:30 pm. Sessions are 1 hour long. Keep in mind these sessions will be with a member of our in-home training team, and NOT your boot camp trainer. These staff members are intimately familiar with the boot camp program, and your boot camp trainer is already working full time at camp.

To sign up for the Basic Obedience Program at All Locations, please click here.

Dogs must be over 5 months old at start of program.


Boot camp can ONLY address the behaviors listed in the above description! If you are hoping to address separation anxiety, dog reactivity, or any other behavior modification training, do NOT sign up for boot camp, as it will not be able to address those goals. Refunds are not offered for dogs that attend camp for those goals. Please contact our office BEFORE REGISTERING if you're unsure whether boot camp is the right fit for your needs.

I'm So Excited: Impulse Control Program

3 Week Boot Camp, 1 In-Home Personal Training Session - $1540

Is your dog still young, bucking the rules, and more interested in everything but you? Then this program is for you! We will work on exercises that help your teenage dog be more responsive to the Basic Obedience behaviors and get them better prepared for real world distractions. The "I’m so Excited! Impulse Control" Boot Camp program is for graduates of our 4 week Basic Obedience Program or Level 1 Obedience Group Class. You will learn impulse control and engagement exercises, some new behaviors, as well as management and follow-through techniques to train for distractions in a fun and productive way. 

Please note: This class does not address reactive/aggressive behavior. Please look for our Behavior Modification Classes or In-Home Services that will help you for these behaviors!

  • Settle - used to encourage your dog to remain calm in different environments, i.e. brewery/social spaces

  • Engagement Exercises - teaching your dog to be present and engaged and ignore the distractions in the real world!

  • Impulse Control Exercises - Used to help your dog make good decisions in a high distraction environment.

  • Sit - a reliable sit even when distracted.

  • Stay - a reliable stay even when distracted, i.e. greeting people.

  • Boundary training - An invisible boundary to prevent your dog from invading a space until invited.

  • Go to your bed/mat/place - Dog goes a short distance to their raised bed and waits to be released.

  • Leave it - look away from distraction and focus on you!

  • Watch me - used to proactively look at you while a distraction occurs or goes by.

One in-home follow-up training session is part of this program. During the in-home training session, a member of our in-home training team will show you how to utilize your dog's training to get the behavior you want in your home environment. The session is yours to schedule, but we encourage you to schedule your session as soon as possible after your program ends to make the most out of your dog's training.

You will receive information on how to schedule these sessions in your Welcome Email for Boot Camp. We recommend that you fill out the scheduling form before your dog's start date to make sure you get your first appointment scheduled the week after your program ends. Appointment times are available Monday through Friday at 1, 2, 3 or 3:30 pm. Sessions are 1 hour long. Keep in mind these sessions will be with a member of our in-home training team, and NOT your boot camp trainer. These staff members are intimately familiar with the boot camp program, and your boot camp trainer is already working full time at camp.

To sign up for the "I'm So Excited" Impulse Control Program at All Locations, please click here.

Dogs must have completed our 4 week Basic Obedience Program or Level 1 Obedience Group Class in order to enroll in the I'm So Excited: Impulse Control Boot Camp Program.

Leash Walking: Basic & Advanced Programs

BASIC: 2 Week Boot Camp, 1 In-Home Personal Training Session - $1025

ADVANCED: 3 Week Boot Camp, 1 In-Home Personal Training Session - $1540

If walking your dog seems like a chore, this is the program for you! Going on a walk with your dog should be enjoyable for you and your dog, without conflict or frustration. Both versions of this program will teach your dog to walk at your side without pulling or lagging behind. The Basic Leash Walking program is great for walking around your neighborhood or areas where you will encounter some, but not many, distractions. The Advanced Leash Walking program is great for your neighborhood, walking around the lake, going to parks, visiting crowded areas, and any other place you might encounter higher distraction levels. This program is for dogs over 6 months old.

Please note: This class does not address reactive/aggressive behavior. Please look for our Behavior Modification Classes or In-Home Services that will help you for these behaviors!

Basic - Great for walking around your neighborhood with few distractions 

  • Leash Walking - at your side with a loose leash on walks

  • Name Game - reliably turn head towards handler

  • Walking Etiquette - appropriate behavior when encountering other dogs & people outside 

  • Equipment - a personalized equipment evaluation 

  • Two Distraction Techniques - to help with low level distractions and passing

Advanced - Great for walking at the lake, crowded areas, high distraction walks

  • Everything From BASIC Leash Walking - Walking, name game, two distraction techniques, and walking etiquette & equipment

  • Leave It - turn attention away from a distraction and to handler

  • Three More Distraction Techniques - to help with higher level distractions and passing

  • Long-line Freedom Walks w/ Recall - to help with those extra sniffy enrichment walks! 

  • 2 Field Trips - We will travel to busy areas (pet stores, outside dog parks, busy neighborhoods) to put the skills to work in the real world.

One in-home follow-up training session is part of BOTH Leash Walking programs. During the in-home training session, a member of our in-home training team will show you how to utilize your dog's training to get the behavior you want in your home environment OR at your favorite local lake or park (for Advanced Program clients). The session is yours to schedule, but we encourage you to schedule your session as soon as possible after your program ends to make the most out of your dog's training.

You will receive information on how to schedule your session in your Welcome Email for Boot Camp. We recommend that you fill out the scheduling form before your dog's start date to make sure you get your first appointment scheduled the week after your program ends. Appointment times are available Monday through Friday at 1, 2, 3 or 3:30 pm. Sessions are 1 hour long. Keep in mind that your session will be with a member of our in-home training team, and NOT your boot camp trainer. These staff members are intimately familiar with the boot camp program, and your boot camp trainer is already working full time at camp.

To sign up for the BASIC Leash Walking Program for all locations please click here.

To sign up for the ADVANCED Leash Walking Program for all locations please click here.

Dogs must be over 6 months old at start of program.

Advanced Off-Leash Recall

2 Week Boot Camp, 2 In-Home Personal Training Sessions - $1335

This program is for dogs who have completed the 4 Week Basic Obedience Program and have a solid foundation in the basic obedience commands, including a motivational recall, can come out of dog play indoors, and have a positive relationship with training.

Two in-home sessions come with this program. You will have short checkouts with your trainer on Mondays and Fridays, however your ability to get a successful recall from your dog is centered around your use of the in-home sessions. The first one is at your home as soon as possible after your program ends. The second one your trainer will meet you at another outdoor environment to ensure you know how to utilize your dog's training for reliable off-leash recalls in highly distracting scenarios.

You will receive information on how to schedule these sessions in your Welcome Email for Boot Camp. We recommend that you fill out the scheduling form before your dog's start date to make sure you get your first appointment scheduled the week after your program ends. Appointment times are available Monday through Friday at 1, 2, 3 or 3:30 pm. Sessions are 1 hour long.

This specific program, unlike our other programs, is structured around the use of an electronic collar to aid in reliability of the behavior. The unit is included in this program and will be provided to you.

To sign up for the Advanced Outdoor Recall Program at All Locations, please click here.

Dogs must have completed our 4 week Basic Obedience Program in order to enroll in the Advanced Off-Leash Recall Boot Camp program.

Holiday Manners Program

2 Week Boot Camp, 1 In-Home Personal Training Sessions - $1025

Are you and your dog ready for the holidays?  Do you wish your dog would stop jumping on your party guests, stop stealing food off the counters and other embarrassing behaviors?  Would you like to impress your guests with a well trained dog?  Then this refresher program is for you! The Holiday Manners Boot Camp program is for graduates of our 4 week Basic Obedience Program or Level 1 Obedience Group Class. It is designed to prepare you and your dog for upcoming holidays! Your dog will come to Boot Camp for two weeks of focused training, where we will cover topics listed below, set up various role playing sessions, and work on training situations that are unique to common holiday situations. We work on the repetition, set up various situations, and work on the behaviors from all angles. 

  • Door Greeting - guests at the door, family arriving with packages/bags, etc.

  • Begging - for food, attention, etc.

  • Counter Surfing - stealing (or attempting to steal) food

  • Leave It & Drop It - packages, luggage, food, guests, mittens, hats, boots, presents, food, etc.

  • Go to Bed - dog goes a short distance to their raised bed, lies down, and waits to be released

  • Boundary Training - an invisible boundary to prevent your dog from invading a space until invited

  • Sit/Stay - reliable even when distracted

  • Come - coming to you when called from around the house even with distractions

One in-home follow-up training session is part of this program. During the in-home training session, a member of our in-home training team will show you how to utilize your dog's training to get the behavior you want in your home environment. The session is yours to schedule, but we encourage you to schedule your session as soon as possible after your program ends to make the most out of your dog's training.

You will receive information on how to schedule your session in your Welcome Email for Boot Camp. We recommend that you fill out the scheduling form before your dog's start date to make sure you get your first appointment scheduled the week after your program ends. Appointment times are available Monday through Friday at 1, 2, 3 or 3:30 pm. Sessions are 1 hour long. Keep in mind that your session will be with a member of our in-home training team, and NOT your boot camp trainer. These staff members are intimately familiar with the boot camp program, and your boot camp trainer is already working full time at camp.

To sign up for the Holiday Manners Program at All Locations, please click here.

Dogs must have completed our 4 week Basic Obedience Program or Level 1 Obedience Group Class in order to enroll in the Holiday Manners Boot Camp Program.

This is a seasonal program, and runs October through December.

Days, Times, & Location

Program Days

Boot Camp runs Monday through Friday.

Please see below for holiday closures for 2024.

If your program overlaps with the week we are closed in December (12/23-12/27), an extra week will be added to your training program to ensure you receive all 1 - 4 weeks of training.

Boot Camp Holiday Closures 2024

Boot Camp: Memorial Day Monday - Closed
Boot Camp: Wednesday - OPEN
Boot Camp: Thursday - Closed
Boot Camp: Friday - OPEN
Boot Camp: Labor Day Monday - Closed
Boot Camp: Thanksgiving Day Thursday - Closed
Boot Camp: Black Friday - Closed
Boot Camp: Monday - CLOSED
Boot Camp: Tuesday - CLOSED
Boot Camp: Wednesday - CLOSED
Boot Camp: Thursday - CLOSED
Boot Camp: Friday - CLOSED
Boot Camp: Monday - Open
Boot Camp: Tuesday - Open
Boot Camp: Wednesday - Closed
Boot Camp: Thursday - Open

Drop Off & Pick Up

Morning Drop Off

Drop Off Times: Drop off anytime between 7:00am and 9:00am.

You will be emailed a detailed procedure plan for how this works for your specific Boot Camp location. When you arrive, please come into the facility to be greeted by one of our staff members.

Afternoon/Evening Pick Up

Pick Up Times: generally 4pm to 6pm, please see the notes below for specific details.

You will meet with your trainer two times each week, usually on Mondays and Fridays. These meetings can be online via Zoom or over the phone if preferred. The scheduling time-frame for these meetings spans 3pm to 5:40pm. You will select your meeting time when you drop off in the morning. Selection is on a first come, first served basis. If you are doing a Zoom meeting, we ask that you pick up your dog before the meeting so the trainer can help guide you at home during your virtual "check out".

On non-meeting days, pick up is between 4pm and 6pm.

LATE PICKUPS: Because our Day Program staff leave the facility at 6 PM, a late fee of $20 will be invoiced for any dog picked up after 6 PM.


Currently, we offer Boot Camp at four of our locations in the Twin Cities: South Minneapolis, St. Louis Park, Northeast Minneapolis and West St Paul. We do not offer Boot Camp at our St. Paul location.

South Minneapolis: 5405 42nd Ave S

St. Louis Park: 6500 West Lake Street

NE Minneapolis: 3968 Central Ave NE

West St Paul: 1700 Marthaler Ln

Click here to view our location page that includes an interactive map!

Additional Program Information


Cancellations for any program must be received in writing via email to our main office at least one week prior to your start date in order to receive a full refund.

Welcome Email & Vaccinations

After registering, we will contact you via email confirming your start date in a Welcome Email. The email will also include a list of what to bring, where to drop your dog off each day, as well as requesting vaccination records. 

The following vaccines are required to be current when your dog starts their program:

  • Bordetella

  • Rabies (if over 4 months old)

  • Distemper/DHPP

Missed Days

Due to our strict limit on the number of dogs per trainer, any missed days due to scheduling conflicts will be forfeited.


Click here to read our FAQ on Boot Camp. You can also contact the office if you have other questions about Boot Camp.

The Trainers

Kyle M

Boot Camp Operations

Brandon H

Professional Dog Trainer

Boot Camp

Training Specialist

Tim K

Professional Dog Trainer

Boot Camp

Raina F

Professional Dog Trainer

Boot Camp

Liz H

Professional Dog Trainer

Boot Camp

Eli S

Professional Dog Trainer

Boot Camp

Maddie F

Professional Dog Trainer

Boot Camp

Amanda C

Professional Dog Trainer

Boot Camp